Tuesday, January 11, 2011

new orleans... n'awlins.

putting together a new audio/video project called POSE... POSE is to be an extension of the noise sessions i host in my tiny little cottage here in SF on a somewhat regular basis... audio and video manipulation and production... live and sample based creation using various elements in open dialogue. er some shit... basically a band... but a lot of the pieces incorporate visual elements... it may or may not make more sense as it progresses... regardless...
here's a little remix we got to do for former ghosts.
def stoked on this whole deal conceptually... as former ghosts is itself an amazingly realized project from the mind of freddy rupert (this song is a mess and so am i) in conjunction with other absurdly talented, often far-off artists like jamie stewart (xiu xiu), nika roza (zola jesus), and yasmine kittles (tearist)...
freddy sent me the stems for this track a decent while ago... but i've been a bit overwhelmed with gigs and life as of late so it took a second... homeboy said he diggs it. maybe you will too?


...incidently the photo in the beginning of this post is from a photographer by the name of richard misrach from a book entitled destroy this memory... it's an interesting look at the aftermath of hurricane katrina... less morbid than most... but definitively heavy. he gave a lecture i attended at my wife's gallery sf camerawork.

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