Thursday, February 17, 2011

thizz faced in L.A.

i went to L.A. last weekend to play for pendu disco's first west coast outing at show cave... also swung through and did a set for killing spree over at medusa lounge. the whole experience was nothing short of perfect. a meeting of like minded individuals from across the country all dedicated to bringing some new shit to kids... art, music, fashion... the shit we all been doing for a long time is being recognized right now, and we jus' gonna keep spittin' it. black is, was, and always will be the new black.
above is just a vid of sarah from killing spree hanging out with a rat named dreamcatcher... and disaro taking a much needed nap. i was high as shit on e when i taped this so... yeah.
and here are some performances show cave after the jump.... king dude and chelsea wolfe.
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